Went back to Maris Stella today, cos it was the eve of teacher's day, so the guys and I wanted to see our ex-teachers and maybe some classmates..
Met up with Perry and Beaver at the prata shop across the street from Wilson's house for breakfast. Beaver was doing his homework cos he had exams coming up..haha. While waiting for Gab, Yang and Darren, I played with Beaver's graphical calculator, with strange consequences.
When they arrived we ordered breakfast, I had an egg prata and Teh Bing. Quite ex though, counting the fact that it cost me $2.60..
After that we headed to MSHS. We were hoping to see some teachers there, but the others were actually there to see Boss, their cca teacher. I, however didn't really have anyone in mind, just wanted to see the changes made to the school. There were quite a few, with the new cafe, refurbished toilets, it wasn't that bad compared to when we left it. And I did see a few teachers, like Kim Hong, Koh Yew Kiat, Tan-Chin, Mr. Low..and of course bookshop auntie ( although she's not a teacher ). We also went back to our old class room, and sat in our old seats..it was quite interesting, cos it sorta brings back the memories of how we all got along in class. Nostalgic, you could say..
That was it I guess, for my visit back to MSHS, you see some changes, but not all of them are what you might call "important". Maybe it's because I'm too used to the life in poly that I forget about MSHS sometimes. But it's easy to say that not much made an impression to me, just maybe a sound "thanks" that helped me get to where I am.
K, on to whatever was next. Went to Darren's house to borrow a singlet from him cos we were going to play bball at the court with the rest of the guys. ( cept' Wilson cos we left him to gay with his 4I classmates ) We played for maybe an hour or so, then Gab, yang and I went to Darren's house to cool down. Literally, he had the air-con on in his "jamming studio". Anyway, we sat there for another hour listening to them play stuff before we grew bored and decided to head home. Yang went to the other bus stop and I went the Minimart one.
That's pretty much it today, and I went in to detail too, so I hope you had a better read.
After cramming my brain with junk and studying multiple hours a day, the exams are finally over. and not just any exams, mid-semestral exams :)!! I wish you JC people knew how much fun it is to be in Poly, you might have truly reconsidered, with your project works, short holidays and uniformity, life would've have been much, much simpler for you..
Anyway, I'm not gonna work or find a job this holiday, cos I have nothing to save up for, so it's easy to say that fun is in full swing for 7 weeks ( cept' for yang who has only 6). Chalets, Sleepovers, Sports, Whatever that can fill the time is totally fine with me.
So cheers to the holidays, have fun and don't get yourself killed :)
Happy Belated birthday Yang!!!
Finally collected the F1 tickets, or rather my dad collected them. Really looking forward to this year's race, cos I'll be going for all 3 days, grandstand seat. Which means I'll get a damn good view of the action and there will be no need to squeeze and camp out at the trackside like Yang. Although he'll get better shots. But the upside is that I'm sitting at the corner where Suntec City is, and that's where all the action happened last year. It pretty much goes without saying that I'll bring my small cam along to take as many photos as I can, Videos too, and post them up here as soon as I can.
High: ITAB exam yesterday, thought that it was a dead giveaway, if you'd pay attention to the lesson, intead of DOTA-ing all the way, there was a pretty good chance that it was an A. Went for golf after that, I really improved since the last time, the ball was airborne for 99% of the time, but not really straight, so I'll have to work on that. I was really confident about EC presentation today, cos I felt that my group had covered all the requirements, and although not quite prepared, we had a video to up the marks. Or so I though..
Low: After EC presentation. Diana gave us our marks, I wasn't expecting it to be very low, or very high for that matter. Maybe 75++, but I was truly shocked when she said I only got 67 - 69. Not shocked like the normal "no way la..", but like the "WTF?!?!" way. Even until now I'm still wondering how I got so low. Clearly she didn't grade us on presentation skills. Cos' Sean got less than me. So you could say that its pretty unfair, when some people that , I'll be blunt, 'didn't present up to the same standard' scored higher than some of us who get quite high marks. So you be the judge ( people from my class ), do you think that there was a mistake? Or did I just suck.
Hope these pics can help calm my nerves..( these were taken around my neighbourhood btw.)
With MSTs round the corner i can only assume that everyone must be studying their asses off, I can only say "good luck to you guys" and mug myself ( although I'm not one who usually does this).
Came down with a cold today, but then again studying still has to continue, with ITAB only tomorrow, and the real papers starting next week, whose got a choice to slack? Guess the only thing to do is to keep my fingers crossed and hope that i get better by the end of today..
Hell yeah. *cough*
I know that I'm 2 days late on this post. But I have a life, so don't expect me to post so often. I went to SB Talentime with Sean, Vivi, Justin, Jing Han, Jac and Ken. It was elaine's idea, cos she was part SB club, and so asked us to attend talentime not for cca points, but for free "dinner". I know she meant well, but the dinner was just sandwiches and samosas..with fruit punch. Sad.
Anyway, on to the main event. There were two categories: English soloists and Chinese soloists. I only paid attention to the English singers cos chinese songs needed me to think to understand them, so I didn't bother. The winner for the English side was some malay girl who had the lungs of beyonce. Just right that she sang 'listen' from DreamGirls. The rest were sub-standard. So were the chinese singers. I won't elaborate more on this as those who were there already knew why I was angry. So that was pretty much the night in brief. The rest of it was boring, with Jac winning five free frozen yoghurt coupons. I'm gonna sign off now cos I'm wasted already.. Goody Bag
Yes, it's once again time for another review. So here it goes..
G.I. JOE : The rise of Cobra
Let me first say that I expected alot from this movie, maybe because of the hype created from the adverts, but I was gravely disappointed when the first fight took place 10 mins into the film. All I could do was just sit there and go "oh no, its another mindless action movie with a bad plot and unreal physics". Although I'm not one to usually criticise a movie so badly, I had to make an exception this time, cos I know that alot of you will watch this show and this is just to prepare you for the impending disappointment. Firstly, the scenes in the show, especially the action ones, did not coordinate well with each other ( cos of physics errors, of which there were a ton ). An example would be the black Hummer that the baddies drove. In the movie, it could hit cars, flip them over, smash buses, and not get even a single dent. However, when it cam to crossing the light rail, or tram, a small hit suddenly turned it into a friggin fireball. And flew like 50 feet up. Big error there cos I could see very clearly the explosive charged detonated to make it flip. Second science error. There's a scene where the black dude chases an intercontinental missile, all fine by me, but he's doing aerial acrobatics while going at 6G. 6G! If you can turn on a dime at that speed please join the air force straightaway, they really could use a guy like you. If you don't kill yourself or destroy their planes first. The entire show was just full of these problems. Like how detonating ice can make it sink and stuff like that.
But suffice to say all wasn't lost. There was a fair share of eye-candy from Sienna Miller and Rachel Nichols. Maybe that was the best part of the show... haha. CG wasn't bad, but it was inconsistent, most parts seemed sort of real, then fantasy takes over and suddenly stuff pops out that look as fake as pamela anderson's boobs. Seriously. The characters had bad lines, where most of their punchlines went unheeded by the audience, and made them lame. Small scenes injected into the film seemed to try and make them 3D, but it wasn't enough for me to understand them well enough. And some characters were just plain 2D, with minimal or no background at all.
So with such a thorough review like that, I hope that this will be informative enough for you guys before you go watch the movie. Now I'm not stopping you, but if you want to watch it, please do. It's all for the action movie junkie that likes explosions, hot women and stupid villains ( sounds like a typical redneck to me). But please be warned that the advertisements did make too much of a hype and you might walk out after the movie is over and realise " This movie isn't fantastic, but its sad that it's going to make millions and have a sequel" and then proceed to shoot yourself in the foot ( don't take it literally ).
My rating : 4.5/10
Found this hilarious commercial showcased on Top Gear the other day. It was a challenge for James and Jeremy to come up with commercials for the new VW Sirocco TDi. As regular Top Gear viewers can expect, it turned out to be a laugh riot to say the least, but of course the advertisers for VW "loathed everything they did" quoted by clarkson. Anyway, not to keep you guys waiting, so I'll post the link cos I can't be bothered to torrent the vid....duh..
Sirocco TDi Commercial
Went bowling today after class. It's been a long time since I've been back to SPGG, with all the projects and assignments on. So you could say that it's sort of fun to go bowling every now and then.
So, on to the scores. the first round sucked, so I'm not gonna mention it. But the other two were better, I ended with a 70 something and 80. Although those scores really suck. But I'm contended with them, so yay!! And there was this thing we made up called "doing an Alex" which only happened when you hit only 1 pin at either end of the set of pins. There were alot of those going around, with Jac even showing us how it's done. The video is JingHan's so you can see it on his profile.
I did hope that more people could come, but there were some who wanted to go home for various reasons, and some went to read manga or draw it or whatever. Please, JOIN US next time!!
After all that, Dinah and Xiang Feng decided to have a race since they were track people and had the need to run. Go figure. Then we headed through FC5 where I saw MingWoon and JQ and the JCC people. Said "hi", then left.
Thats' pretty much it for today, the anti-climatic life that I lead. Till the next post, Ciao!
Yea i know this post is a bit late. But I just want to thank you guys who turned up for the Dinner at Carl's Jr. For all those who didn't and were invited, you can go touch yourself, LITERALLY.
Anyway, met Yang at Dover mrt before heading off to Dhoby Ghaut to meet with Wilson, Perry, Ryan, Beaver and Darren. Had some very lousy wine at yang's house, like 2008, sour, bitter and dry. Then we rushed down to dhoby cos we were already late but that didn't stop yang and wilson from going present hunting to get perry and i gifts. To say the least, Perry was starving, and after a bit of talking, we went to buy dinner without waiting for the rest to come back. Darren joined shortly. But feeling bad because we started early, we just nibbled on beef chili cheese fries. The talking continued, jokes and all, and maybe after another 15 mins, they finally came back.
then beaver arrived, and started cracking lame jokes. Till darren almost punched him. yes, that's the consequence for wasting people's time with lame jokes. Punches. So we chowed down until about 830, when they handed us our gifts. I got an expandable BOY tOY, and a condom ( tradition...). Perry got a "mr. b" which was some kama sutra thing.. haha. Then we went home, seeing the fact that Wilson had to got to M'sia the next day and Perry and I both had FOM presentations. so that's it. 17 years old..
Next Year's gonna be a party so hell Yeah!!!
Name:Graeme Ching
Skool:singapore poly
About me
I'm just a normal 18 year old studying in singapore poly. Living my life and doing my best! have great friends and a awesome family!
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