Alright, haven't been posting lately because I've had alot on my mind. More than most of you can handle, so don't judge me.
These last 3 days have been awesome, and its all thanks to F1 being in town.
Yup, fast cars, glamour, all the stuff you would commonly associate with motor racing. I was there, in all the thick of the action and stuff.
Of course I was rooting for the scarlet ferraris, but after the qualifying session, I had a feeling that neither Kimi nor Fisi was gonna be up on the podium, so for the mclarens it was.
Wasn't really caring for Hamilton cos his race was just perfect. No slip ups or pit problems, it wouldn't take an idiot to see that he was gonna win. But there were many battles that were interesting to watch.
However nothing could've matched the first lap mayhem that happened, especially at my corner of the track.Nakajima's Williams
Button's Brawn GP
I had lots of fun this year, and the good news is that next year my dad might be considering the Paddock Club! Holy Shit!!
So till the next post, see ya.
We all used to say that it won't happen to us...
But then again, what if it did.
I'm happy that it did
The last 2 posts have been pretty long, and I'm surprised there are some of you who actually read it. Thanks anyway.
So for your reading sake, I'll be brief for the last day of my chalet.
We got on the bus at around midnight, went back to the chalet. 6 of us left, the others left cos they couldn't find things to do. Yea...don't do that again. Pang seh-ers..
Anyway, played a drinking game for about 4 hours. Elaine and Dinah only drank water. lol. By the time we used up all the alcohol, i could say that all the guys were high. And Malcolm's head was spinning. Julian was as red as a lobster, and so was I.
The girls went to sleep..and the guys went back to our bunks to talk. Talked till about 6 am then dozed off. We were wanting to sober up so we tried to stay awake.
Got woken up by Dinah at 9am, then we washed up and waited to check-out.
Checked out at 10 plus then walked out to the bus stop opposite Ehub. Took a taxi home after that.
So that's it, Class chalet. Booze, cycling and sports. The others did miss out on alot in my book.
Results coming out on Wed, strangely enough i'm not even scared bout it, unlike most of the people i know. I think you only fear it cos you felt that you didn't do well enough. It's the blatant truth.
Where we left off, it's just past midnight, so I'll put it in under day 2. We just finished cycling the long 7km stretch, and the lead group was still going strong.
We intended to meet the rest at a pit stop, or toilet where I always stop first on my own cycling trips. But before we had to cross this small road, with a proper traffic light and all, but with the added twist of wild dogs running loose all around. Jac went ahead first, and soon got chased by one of the dogs, really, it's probably the one time where I was actually scared during the trip. Maybe cos shortly after I got chased by one.
Anyway, we followed the path through the tall grass and ended up waiting for the rest just before the Sea Sports club. It was a good 15 to 20 mins, so some of us started playing music. MingWei kept using my phone cos it was in the basket where all of our stuff was. Yea we had a basket bike.
Cycled past NSRCC safra, and made our way to the toilet. Time was about 12.45am when we started again on our journey. I was intending to take the direct Tampines route through the underground pass and on to Pasir Ris, using the bedok park connector, but when we passed it somehow it was blocked up, so Malcolm and I had a drag race. Yes, don't ask me how those two things make sense with each other.
Anyway, I knew another way back to Tampines but that was the Siglap PCN, a good 2 or 3 km more than what was expected. So we cycled and cycled, past the kembangan MRT, VJC, and over a couple bike-friendly over-head bridges. The highways were really empty, totally void of cars whatsoever. Really an awesome sight.
By now we were all complaining of pains and I was no exception. The seat had really gnawed my ass, and my thighs were thrashed. But we pressed on to Tampines and landed up at the bus interchange mac. Time was 3.20am. Yup, 40 mins and we could have mac breakfast! But we didn't. I did have half a mind to stay there longer, but we couldn't, cos we all wanted to head back and rest.
So after another hour or so of cycling, we ended up at Ehub, and by then it was so early in the morning that there were no cars on the road, so we cycled all over the road and i actually got a chance to draft behind Malcolm all the way to the gate of Aloha Loyang. Simply put he wasn't all to happy about it. But I was, haha.
I took a shower at the poolside changing room, before heading to the chalet to sleep. Cos I was second to arrive, I did have some rest, so I could shower first and sleep first. Yes, those things don't make sense with each other too.
Slept till about 1pm, when the others wanted to catch the shuttle bus to white sands. But the guys sleeping in my room ( including myself ) were too wasted to bother, so we left later only to find out that the others had missed the bus and were having lunch at some restaurant called JustAcia. It wasn't fantastic food, but we were just hungry so whatever was fine. They did have free flow of drinks and ice-cream so that made up for the rest of the meal.
After the lunch the rest went to watch The Proposal. I didn't cos it was a chick flick, so the ending was definitely predictable. They were gonna get married one way or the other. totally predictable.
The rest of the guys went to play arcade for a while, had some fun with outrun 2 and we spent around 4 bucks each.
Then we went back to the chalet to laze around, watched a bit of Top Gear, before we followed the people who were leaving to the gate of the chalet. I didn't go to the gate with them cos I wanted to play football. Sorry guys. But I did have one of the best football games ever. Even though it was against a bunch of ah bengs.
After a while more we were essentially wasted. So at around 7.30pm we went for a swim at the pool. Played water monkey till the pool closed at 9. Did the jacuzzi too.
Then we wasted about an hour waiting for everyone to take a shower. Mingwei had invited had his friend James to stay over with us, his "smoking buddy". Anyway James had to leave at 6am the next morning to go back to the army.
So we walked over to Downtown East for dinner. Everything was closed so we ate at BK. It sucked. Then we headed over to White Sands 7-11 to buy some vodka for our drinking game later that night.
We waited till midnight for the bus. An ambulance came by and the paramedics were looking for a fake person i guess, cos they got off and couldn't find anybody to treat. so lol at them. Since it's past midnight, I'll finish the rest of the chalet in the final part of this post.
I'm gonna do a series of posts for my class chalet. Cos there's quite alot to talk about, or I think there is...
K so I met my class at around 2.30pm at Pasir Ris MRT, after waiting for about half an hour. Dilly Dally-ed for another few minutes before heading off to take the shuttle bus that brought us to Aloha Loyang.
Sean and some of the guys went to Check-in when we arrived. The others just waited around like drones..
Then we went to the Chalet, it wasn't poolside cos those were expensive and we didn't want to spend. So 300 bucks for 2 nights got us a garden terrace one with a view of the carpark, 1 toilet, 1 shower, and 2 rooms ( one with 2 single beds and one with 2 double-bunks ) Fun huh? NO.
We spent the rest of the day lazing about, some played mahjong, some watched the basic cable tv, and others played cards in the room that we turned the aircon on. Yea, they measure the aircon, only allowing 50 units or else they'll charge you. Justin, Sean, Malcolm and Myself went to recce the place. We found the bike store and the kind aunty said that she can give us a $2 discount on our bikes cos we have more than 10 people renting. So we paid $18 each for our bikes for the overnight cycling thing.
Obviously, we had alot of time to spare, so the guys went to the football court to play for a while. I played until DeYun's foot skin tore off, then I accompanied him back to the chalet. Took a shower
then waited for the rest to comeback so we could head over to rent the bikes.
By the time that happened, it was around 7.30pm. We went to the bike rental shop next to the pool to rent the bikes. About one and a half hour was wasted getting the bikes, 2 tandems and maybe 9 singles. We cycled to downtown east, chained up the bikes and went for a late dinner at the foodcourt. Time was about 9.15pm or somewhere there.
When we were done, we walked for awhile before starting the journey proper. The route was Pasir Ris - Changi Village - East Coast - Bedok - Tampines - Pasir Ris.
The beginning of the trip was pretty easy for me, cos I've done this route many times. But I knew the rest hadn't, so the lead group went slightly slower. When we arrived at Changi, Julian and Mingwei were complaining like there's no tomorrow, about ass pains from sitting too long. So we stopped and went to buy drinks. I bought ice mountain for 40c, 40c! What a steal!
When everyone was feeling better, we headed down the coastal route to East Coast, the challenging 7km stretch. We did stop a couple times for people to rest, and a class photo or two. Of course there were many planes taking off and landing as we were next to the runway. And we saw the police escort plane parts down the road, pull a car over for waiting at the side of the airport.
By the time we finished the stretch, it was close to midnight. maybe 11.50 or thereabouts. So there's day 1 gone, wait for the post on the second day cos there's nothing much different. just more activities with less people!
It's not happened yet. But it's real soon, this Monday at Aloha Loyang.
Don't worry I'll tell you all about it when I get back.
This is just an update so you don't think my blog's dead. hehe
Since we're celebrating your birthdays tomorrow, I'll do a post for you guys.
Where do I start? 2 years back i guess,when I met you both in sec 3. Didn't really know you back them, since it was a new class and all..but somehow you guys formed a clique and we started hanging out. Especially Yang, when I first went to your house, it was one of the funniest days I could say. With Gunawan tagging along, we went there after school to play Halo 3. I sorta still remember it...even now with the almost nightly gaming of Rfactor, it's easy to say that yes, you are the master of the steering wheel.
And Gab, with your random jokes which soon turned out gay, always made us laugh during recess, where we stood in a circle eating bad food. From then we all became really good friends, and until now we still are, although some of the others fell out of our clique ( gunawan, apparently ).
I know this post can't really do justice to you guys, but what I can say after knowing you for 2 over years is that, if I didn't know you both, I'm sure my life would have turned out quite differently. Most possibly a direct opposite of today. And no, I'm not exaggerating, you've really had an influence on me, and I hope that the "brotherhood" can last long into the future.
Name:Graeme Ching
Skool:singapore poly
About me
I'm just a normal 18 year old studying in singapore poly. Living my life and doing my best! have great friends and a awesome family!
Your Thoughts
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|June 2007|April 2009|May 2009|June 2009|July 2009|August 2009|September 2009|October 2009|November 2009|December 2009|January 2010|February 2010|March 2010|April 2010
|Ev0nE's World Of Emptyness|
|Ev0nE's Fairyland|
|Ev0nE's Tutorials|