So today I got my braces installed.. after 3 weeks of doing multiple stuff to my mouth, like losing 4 teeth, getting rubber rings shoved between my teeth and metal anchors assembled, they're finally done!
But it's sort of bitter sweet...ok more bitter than sweet..actually very bitter. It hurts like hell now, cos essentially its pulling all my teeth backward and spreading them out to fill the gaps left over from the extractions..ugh.
But it should be fine in a week or so, then it'll be sweet...looks pretty cool i think.
2 years I'll have to wear them, so by the time they're off it'll be about time to graduate! And on the bright side, the pain will keep me from sleeping in lectures now!
My last proper meal..
Last pic of me braces free...you'll get to see it again in 2 years.
Yup, metal mouth!
And to my special girl, happy 1 month anniversary!!
Guess that's it for this post, I'll check back in soon, but not often cos school's started and I'm busy with projects and stuff.
Hmmmmm...so its going to start again. All the study , the homework, the long days, the lectures, the tutorials...
But like Darren said. Its mixed emotions for me. Part of me doesn't want the Holidays to end, but then again school would be refreshing, with the lessons. At least I won't have to be at home....yea. And it gives me the excuse to stay out longer..haha. Just to see my special friend!
Can't say that I've done alot over the holidays anyway..at most spent time with her, which might have been by far the most productive thing. haha. Other than that, my parents still don't let me stayover at Wilson's, for what reason I have no damn idea about. But apparently class chalets are fine. Whatever la. Just pissed that I never get the chance to experience even one sleepover which grinds my gears. ugh.
Sorry to be bitching again, hope whoever reads this has another great semester in SP, or TP or whatever P you're in (insert gay punn). GPA 4? I'll try my best. If Darren can do it I don't see why I can't.
Cut my hair today. Quite short now so I guess I can let it grow for a couple months..yea.
Yea that's the highlight of my day. Anyway, going golf on the course tomorrow! Can't wait!!
Since it was the last day that I could go out, I might as well make it worth my while. Extremely worth my while.
So I went out for a super extended, super long outing. From 10 am all the way 9pm. That might not sound like long, cos you guys weren't awake from 8am. Yea...but i woke up early for a greater cause..haha.
Went to Clarke Quay to meet the JCC people. I seriously didn't expect Billy to be there, but at least there wasn't any drama. Whew. And at least Ah ming did make the effort to talk to me during lunch, so all's not lost.
Headed over to Dhoby Ghaut, made it there just in time before it started to rain. Took a few shots of a Gallardo up close. Saw an R8, Phantom and Continental GT along the way. If only Yang was there, so many photo ops.
I'm way to tired to finish this post. but i'll make it short.
Plaza Sing>Arcade>Cathay>Crazy Old Lady>Park Mall>Fish & Co.>Orchard Central>Home.It's a beauty.
Good times spent with pals. When school starts this will be quite hard to come by again.
Alright, its been quite a long time since I had an outing with the guys...like really really long. So its nice to see them after a while.
Met Darren at City hall mrt at around 4.30pm...I was there early but he was already there long before me. Cos he went to the toilet near New York New York.
Talked to him for a while, along with Sharlene who turned up just after him. We sat on the steps next to the escalator, waiting for Yang, Beaver, Perry and Gab to arrive.
After about half an hour of waiting, everyone was ready to leave for Suntec. Yea, we were intending to have dinner at Aston's, but somehow or rather, we ended up eating at Kenny Rogers. Remembered this thing Darren said
"so you all wanna go eat Kenny?" and laughter all round.
Before dinner we went to toys r 'us to fool around with whatever fun junk they have there. And carrefour where Perry and Beaver found this advertisement that kept saying "which one of the monkey's gay?". haha. Also visited the arcade where I played max tune while everyone watched. And Yang constantly put his head and arms in my view cos he was high on the aggressive techno music from the game. Yup.
We also saw a huge group of foreign workers pile into the Rock! church for some event. Was super funny, well for them, cos they kept saying, "hey graeme, u just wanna rush in there with them right?"..haha..no.
Back at Kenny Rogers, I had a half chicken meal, or Kenny's favourites as the menu said. The portions are really small now, cos last time I couldn't even finish a quarter chicken, but now even half a chicken still leaves me hungry. Weird, but its true.
So after dinner Darren suggested that we all grab a drink, but some of us wanted to go to the playground upstairs, and since there were vending machines there, it seemed better than the other option of going to StarBucks, which cost damn alot for drinks that wouldn't let me sleep till the next day. We talked for some time, about everything and anything...until I had to leave cos of my curfew..damn it, so help me next year I'm gonna get it removed. Yang followed me cos the next day was his SYFC training and he had to rest for the test. hmmm that rhymed.
Yea.... I'll leave you with some pics from yesterday.
So what did i do today? Well, lets start from the time I left my house. I was going to cash converter today to sell away my ps2 and a bike rack cos I didn't use them anymore.
I was expecting alot in return, like in the range of over a hundred bucks. But they only gave us back 70. Which ended up going to the dinners cost.
Yea its sorta boring. And my dad collected his suits which cost like 700 bucks too.
Yup, a day in the life of graeme.
By the way, I'm only updating cos yang made me do it.
Went to the dentist this morning to get a proper cleaning. It's been about 6 months so i guess its time.
Anyway I also wanted to ask the dentist about the idea of getting braces, cos my two front teeth are sticking out like sore thumbs.
When I asked some people about it, their reactions were like "no don't get it la, it costs too much and your teeth are fine" or "no your teeth make your smile unique".
But seriously, no. I AM getting them. So don't try to talk me out of it by flattery, if you'd said it, thanks. But it won't change my decision. The teeth have been annoying for too long, ruining all my photos. So you'll for once and for all be put in your place. HAHAHAHA.
Name:Graeme Ching
Skool:singapore poly
About me
I'm just a normal 18 year old studying in singapore poly. Living my life and doing my best! have great friends and a awesome family!
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